兩個星期的假期裡,我簡直是懶神入侵,除了吃喝拉撒外,我的臉死貼著電腦亮亮的螢幕,愉悅地駐守著電視世界。 (導致兩個星期下來我嚴重懷疑我近視加深許多...)
因為平日喜愛電視劇(像 "Friends", "The Nanny", "Gilmore Girls", "Ally McBeal", "CSI: Las Vegas", "CSI: New York", "House", "Sex and the City", "Grey's Anatomy", "Lie to me", "The Riches", "Weeds"...等等)看到快會背,所以這寒假研擬出新的電視劇單。 當然此時此刻以下的節目我也都滾瓜爛熟了...
Winter TV List:
Bones (Season 1~5)
Castle (Season 1~2)
Dirty Sexy Money (Season 1~2)
Pushing Daisies (Season1~2)
個人認為為一值得一看的是 "Pushing Daisies":
Official Show Summary:
This romantic comedy shows us the fairy tale-like world of Ned, a man who
can bring dead people back to life through the power of his touch. The same
touch he must use to "kill" them after no more than a minute or
another person will die.
With the help of Emerson, a local PI, Ned uses his ability to solve murder
cases and cash in on any rewards. But things get complicated when a murder
victim turns out to be Ned's long-lost childhood crush and he decides to break
the rules and let her live.
糖果色彩的佈景,華麗的服裝,與花俏的物品組成了Pushing Daisies的奇麗空間。主人翁Ned在小時無意中發現他可悲又可賀的超能力: 任何失去生命的生物,他碰一次就會復活,碰第二次就會永久死掉...Ned如果不在一分鐘內碰復活者第二次的話,令一位靠近"事發現場"的人士就會死翹翹 (無法預估哪位無辜的甲乙丙丁)。
Ned使用他哭笑不得的超能力幫私家偵探Emerson調查任何有獎金的謀殺案(一分鐘之內問受害者謀殺者是誰)。正業烘焙各式各樣的水果派,附業伸張正義(?)的Ned就如此平淡地(?)生活著,直到有一天到手的謀殺案改變了他黑白的人生。這次的受害者是Ned十幾年未見的青梅竹馬 - Charlotte 'Chuck' Charles。Ned決定要破例一次...
靦腆可愛又有點神經兮兮的Piemaker - Nad
俏皮淘氣又鬼靈精的Lonely Traveler - Chuck